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  1. Drix

    User deleted

    Traffic Stop
    In a traffic stop you have to slowly and calmly park behind the occupants vehicle in an orderly manner, depending on if it's day or night proceed to the vehicle with a flashlight if at night and nothing if in the day.
    Place your hand firmly on the trunk of the car to be sure it isn't open, (all cops do this for their safety). Next, stand to the side of the vehicle so you can see the driver but you're not standing right in front of him/her. Shine your flashlight if night inside the vehicle and then do /do what do I see? if they answer with nothing then tell them why you pulled them over.. IT HAS TO BE A VALID REASON..then ask for license, registration and proof of insurance for the vehicle.
    When they give you either one of the documents, tell them to stay seated in the vehicle with the engine off. Proceed to your cruiser and then when inside do
    /me logs onto the MDC and types the name [NAME OF PULLED OVER CIVILIAN] and [MAKE UP A LITTLE SERIAL CODE]. Once done that do /do Do I see anything bad on your records? If answered yes ask what it is for, if it's more tickets give them a higher fine, if they have no previous records give the warning or the lowest fine. When creating the fine, do it as /me gets out his citation book, /me opens it to a clean page, /me writes out a citation for [NAME], /me rips it out of the booklet, /me grabs the [GIVEN DOCUMENT] and the citation. Then proceed to the car still standing at the side and hand the man the citation first and tell him to sign it and tell him when it has to be payed then once he/she knows give their license back to them. Say have a good day and let the civilian go first, unless in an emergency, if the road is busy block it to let him/her get out safely.

    When in a pursuit your fellow officers need to know where you are, that's why you use the /c3 command to give guidance to them not on Teamspeak, if you are, don't bother using it as it look unprofessional. In the chance have a orderly line of vehicles, let there be a leading car who will do the updates the the other cars behind in a line. If the leading car wants to move to the back they will say, if they do not give you permission to pass them, DO NOT do it. Once stopped tackle the people if he/her is running. If the man does jump in water feel free to kill him/her. Once tackled do /c1 then /me attempts to add the cuffs onto [NAMES] wrists. then do /do S/F? (S = Succeed and F = Fail) if S do /c2. If the male resists tazer them or pepper spray them. Get another officer to hold the suspect before you put them in your vehicle to be searched. Put them in your vehicle and do /do do you have any ID? if yes, so /me attempts to grab the ID, /do S/F? Once you have to ID RP search it on the MDC then transport them to jail.

0 replies since 26/3/2012, 08:21   40 views